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SNCTP000002709 | BASEC2017-01294

Effet de l'exercice en insuffisance rénale chronique

Data source: BASEC (Imported from 26.04.2024)
Changed: Jun 16, 2020, 8:36 PM
Disease category: Other, Urological and Genital diseases (non cancer)

Brief description of trial (Data source: BASEC)

Nous étudions l'effet d'un exercice modéré sur la rigidité des vaisseaux chez des patients souffrants d'insuffisance rénale chronique. Nous étudions également l'impact sur la qualité de vie et la force musculaire.

Health conditions investigated(Data source: BASEC)

insuffisance rénale chronique.

Rare disease (Data source: BASEC)


Intervention investigated (e.g. drug, therapy or campaign) (Data source: BASEC)

Exercice moderé

Criteria for participation in trial (Data source: BASEC)

Insuffisance rénale chronique
capacité de faire de l'exercice moderé

Exclusion criteria (Data source: BASEC)

prise d'erythropoietine recombinante
refus de l'étude
maladie respiratoire chronique

Trial sites

Trial sites in Switzerland (Data source: BASEC)


Contact for further information on the trial

Details of contact in Switzerland (Data source: BASEC)

Sophie de Seigneux

Authorisation by the ethics committee (Data source: BASEC)

Name of the authorising ethics committee (for multicentre studies only the lead committee)

Commission Cantonale d’éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER)

Date of authorisation by the ethics committee


Further trial identification numbers

Trial identification number of the ethics committee (BASEC-ID) (Data source: BASEC)

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