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SNCTP000003483 | NCT02791282 | BASEC2019-01069

Untersuchung der chronisch thrombotischen pulmonalen Hypertension mittels der Magnetresonanztomographie.

Data source: BASEC (Imported from 30.04.2024), WHO (Imported from 25.04.2024)
Changed: Dec 23, 2023, 4:23 PM
Disease category: Other, Respiratory diseases (non cancer)

Brief description of trial (Data source: BASEC)

Ziel dieser Studie ist, zu untersuchen, ob die strahlungsfreie Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) im direkten Vergleich mit dem V/Q-Scan bei Diagnose der chronisch thromoembolischen pulmonalen Hypertension (CTEPH) gleichwertig ist, um zukünftig hier auch das MRT in der klinischen Routine anbieten zu können. Der Ersatz des V/Q-Scan durch die MRT kann letztendlich dazu beitragen, die Strahlenexposition für Patienten mit pulmonaler Hypertonie sowie der gesamten Bevölkerung zu reduzieren.

Health conditions investigated(Data source: BASEC)

Chronisch thrombotische pulmonale Hypertension

Health conditions (Data source: WHO)

Pulmonary Hypertension

Rare disease (Data source: BASEC)


Intervention investigated (e.g. drug, therapy or campaign) (Data source: BASEC)

Es wird untersucht ob die strahlungsfreie Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) ähnlich sensitive Ergebnisse zur Diagnose der chronisch thromoembolischen pulmonalen Hypertension (CTEPH) liefern kann.

Interventions (Data source: WHO)

Other: Index test: functional dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)-MRI

Criteria for participation in trial (Data source: BASEC)

Verdacht auf eine pulmonale Hypertonie welche bereits für eine klinisch indizierte SPECT Untersuchung angemeldet sind

Exclusion criteria (Data source: BASEC)

Unvermögen der Durchführung einer MRT (Platzangst, nicht MRI taugliche Installationen)
Unverträglichkeit gegen MRT-Kontrastmittel
Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Data source: WHO)

Inclusion Criteria:

- Transthoracic echocardiography indicates pulmonary hypertension

- Patients with clinical suspicion for CTEPH, scheduled for SPECT

- Provided informed consent for the study

- Age >18y

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patient unable to undergo MRI (e.g. due to claustrophobia, cardiac pacemaker,
hypersensitivity to MR i.v. contrast imaging agents)

- Women who are pregnant or breast feeding

Further information on the trial in WHO primary registry

Further information on the trial from WHO database (ICTRP)
Further information on trial

Date trial registered

Jun 1, 2016

Incorporation of the first participant

May 1, 2016

Recruitment status


Academic title (Data source: WHO)


Type of trial (Data source: WHO)


Design of the trial (Data source: WHO)

Intervention Model: Single Group Assignment, Masking: Open Label, Primary Purpose: Diagnostic

Phase (Data source: WHO)

Phase 3

Primary end point (Data source: WHO)

The proportion of patients with positive MRI in the group of patients who have a positive VQ-SPECT diagnosis for chronic pulmonary embolism and who are positive in the gold standard;The proportion of patients with positive MRI in the group of patients with negative VQ-SPECT who are negative in the gold standard

Contact information (Data source: WHO)

Please refer to primary and secondary sponsors

Trial results (Data source: WHO)

Results summary

no information available yet

Link to the results in the primary register

no information available yet

Information on the availability of individual participant data

no information available yet

Trial sites

Trial sites in Switzerland (Data source: BASEC)

Hannover, Heidelberg, Mainz, Marburg, München, Regensburg, Sheffield, Vienna, Zurich

Countries (Data source: WHO)

Switzerland might not appear as site of trial if it has not yet been entered as such in the WHO primary registry.

Contact for further information on the trial

Details of contact in Switzerland (Data source: BASEC)

Thomas Frauenfelder
+41 44 255 93 83

Contact for general information (Data source: WHO)

Jens Vogel-Claussen, MD
Hannover Medical School
+49 511 5323421;+49 5115323421

Contact for scientific information (Data source: WHO)

Jens Vogel-Claussen, MD
Hannover Medical School
+49 511 5323421;+49 5115323421

Authorisation by the ethics committee (Data source: BASEC)

Name of the authorising ethics committee (for multicentre studies only the lead committee)

Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich

Date of authorisation by the ethics committee


Further trial identification numbers

Trial identification number of the ethics committee (BASEC-ID) (Data source: BASEC)


Secondary ID (Data source: WHO)

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