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Pediatric intensive and palliative care in pediatric/neonatal intensive care units around the world

Datenbasis: WHO (Import vom 25.04.2024)
Geändert: 03.11.2019, 02:01

Health conditions (Datenquelle: WHO)

Pediatric palliative and intensive care, pediatric and neonatal diseases
Neonatal Diseases
Pediatric palliative and intensive care

Interventions (Datenquelle: WHO)

This cross-sectional prospective study included a convenience sample of 34 (updated 02/09/2019, previously: 33) participating PICUs/NICUs representing 18 countries from the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Two questionnaires with multiple choice and open-ended questions were applied to all centers to develop detailed descriptions of the participating units.
Questionnaire 1 focused exclusively on unit infrastructure, technology availability, and personnel ratios. Questionnaire 2 gathered further data on personnel, policies, and limited clinical and demographic data on a small sample of currently admitted patients.
Based on the IPPC recommendations, Questionnaire 2 inquired about practices related to the IPPC (The Initiative for Pediatric Palliative Care (IPPC): Quality domains, goals and indicators for family-centered care of children living with life-threatening conditions) domains:
1. Holistic care
2. Family support
3. Child-family unit involvement in care
4. Control of pain and other symptoms
5. Continuity of care
6. Support for grief and bereavement
The sum of these data reflects important aspects of the models of care employed in participating PICUs

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Datenquelle: WHO)

Inclusion criteria:
2. Local IRB approval to take part in the study

Exclusion criteria: ICUs that are not solely for pediatric/neonatal patients.

Weitere Angaben zur Studie im WHO-Primärregister


Weitere Angaben zur Studie aus der Datenbank der WHO (ICTRP)

Weitere Informationen zur Studie

Datum der Studienregistrierung


Einschluss der ersten teilnehmenden Person




Wissenschaftlicher Titel (Datenquelle: WHO)

PICU MIC: Integrated care in pediatric/neonatal intensive care units around the world

Studientyp (Datenquelle: WHO)


Design der Studie (Datenquelle: WHO)

Cross-sectional prospective observational study (Treatment)

Phase (Datenquelle: WHO)

Not Applicable

Primäre Endpunkte (Datenquelle: WHO)

Adherence of PICUs/NICUs to the IPPC’s recommendations assessed using questionnaire 2.

Sekundäre Endpunkte (Datenquelle: WHO)

PICUs/NICUs unit infrastructure, technology availability, and personnel ratios assessed by questionnaire 1.

Kontakt für Auskünfte (Datenquelle: WHO)

Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)

Ergebnisse der Studie (Datenquelle: WHO)

Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse

noch keine Angaben verfügbar

Link zu den Ergebnissen im Primärregister

noch keine Angaben verfügbar

Angaben zur Verfügbarkeit von individuellen Teilnehmerdaten

noch keine Angaben verfügbar


Durchführungsländer (Datenquelle: WHO)

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, China, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America

Kontakt für weitere Auskünfte zur Studie

Kontakt für wissenschaftliche Auskünfte (Datenquelle: WHO)

Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud, COCSA Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica
(+593) 2 297-1700 ext. 1795

Weitere Studienidentifikationsnummern

Secondary ID (Datenquelle: WHO)

Nil known
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