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SNCTP000001834 | NCT02394028 | BASEC2015-00057

Eine Phase-III-Studie zu Etrolizumab bei Patienten mit mittelschwerem bis schwerem aktivem Morbus Crohn.

Base de données : BASEC (Importation du 30.04.2024), WHO (Importation du 25.04.2024)
Modifié: 23 déc. 2023 à 17:00
Catégorie de maladie: Maladies métaboliques et nutritionnelles, Maladies de l'appareil digestif (hors cancer)

Brève description de l’étude (Source de données: BASEC)

Mit dieser Studie soll herausgefunden werden ob Etrolizumab (in zwei verschiedenen Dosen) im Vergleich zu Placebo eine wirksame Behandlung ist. Die Studie wird in eine Voruntersuchungsphase (4 Wochen), eine Induktionsphase (14 Wochen), eine Erhaltungsphase (60 Wochen) und eine Sicherheitsnachbeobachtungsphase (12 Wochen) eingeteilt. Bei Studienaufnahme (Induktionsphase) werden Patienten in eine von 3 Kohorten aufgenommen (Zufallsprinzip durch ein Computerprogramm). Kohorte 1: 300 Patienten werden im Verhältnis 1:2:2 für Placebo, Etrolizumab in niedriger Dosis (105 mg) oder in hoher Dosis (210 mg) zugewiesen. Kohorte 2: 350 Patienten im Verhältnis 1:1 für Etrolizumab in niedriger Dosis oder in hoher Dosis zugewiesen. Kohorte 3: 600 Patienten im Verhältnis 2:3:3 für Placebo, Etrolizumab in niedriger Dosis oder in hoher Dosis zugewiesen. In Woche 14 setzen Patienten aus allen 3 Kohorten, wenn sie auf die Studienbehandlung (laut CDAI) angesprochen haben, die Studie mit dem Erhaltungsabschnitt fort. Während des Erhaltungsabschnitts erhalten die Patienten alle 4 Wochen eine 105-mg-Dosis, die entweder Etrolizumab oder Placebo enthält. Nach Verabreichung der letzten Dosis haben die Patienten eine 12-wöchige Sicherheitsnachbeobachtung. Nonresponder, erhalten die Möglichkeit in die offene Verlängerungsstudie (GA29145, Teil 1) aufgenommen zu werden, Es kann nicht garantiert werden, dass Patienten einen Nutzen aus der Teilnahme an dieser Studie haben.

Maladies étudiées(Source de données: BASEC)

Mittelschwerer bis schwerer aktiver Morbus Crohn

Health conditions (Source de données: WHO)

Crohn Disease

Maladie rare (Source de données: BASEC)


Intervention étudiée (p. ex., médicament, thérapie, campagne) (Source de données: BASEC)

Etroluzimab, alle 4 Wochen subkutan injiziiert
Placebo, alle 4 Wochen subkutan injiziiert

Interventions (Source de données: WHO)

Drug: Etrolizumab;Drug: Placebo

Critères de participation à l’étude (Source de données: BASEC)

In der Lage und willens, schriflich einzuwilligen
Alter von 18 bis einschl 80 Jahre
Diagnose des M. Crohn ≥ 3 Monate vor Random.
mittelschw. bis schwere aktive Erkrankung - mittels CDAI/Endoskopie

Critères d’exclusion (Source de données: BASEC)

Subtotale oder totale Kolektomie
Ileostoma od. Kolostoma
Colitis ulcerosa

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Source de données: WHO)

Inclusion Criteria:

- Moderately to severely active Crohn's Disease (CD) as determined by the CDAI, patient
reported outcomes and endoscopically defined disease activity in the ileum and/or

- Intolerance, refractory disease, or no response to corticosteroids (CS),
immunosuppressants (IS), or anti-TNF therapy within 5 years from screening.
Participants who have not previously demonstrated inadequate response or intolerance
to one or more anti-TNF therapies are eligible to participate in the study provided
they are intolerant or refractory to CS or IS therapy

- Use of effective contraception as defined by the protocol

Exclusion Criteria:

- A history of, or current conditions affecting the digestive tract, such as ulcerative
colitis, indeterminate colitis, fistulizing disease, abdominal or perianal abscess,
adenomatous colonic polyps not excised, colonic mucosal dysplasia, and short bowel

- Planned surgery for CD

- Ileostomy or colostomy

- Has received non-permitted inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) therapies (including
natalizumab, vedolizumab, and efalizumab, as stated in the protocol)

- Any prior treatment with ustekinumab within 14 weeks prior to randomization

- Chronic hepatitis B or C infection, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), active or
latent tuberculosis (participants with prior history of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin [BCG]
vaccination must pass protocol-defined screening criteria)

- Sinus tract with evidence for infection (e.g., purulent discharge) in the clinical
judgment of the investigator. Fistulas related to CD are not exclusionary

- Any prior treatment with anti-adhesion molecules (e.g., anti-mucosal addressin cell
adhesion molecule [anti-MAdCAM-1])

- Any major episode of infection requiring treatment with intravenous antibiotics =8
weeks prior to screening or oral antibiotics =4 weeks prior to screening. Treatment
with antibiotics as adjunctive therapy for CD in the absence of documented infection
is not exclusionary

- Hospitalization (other than for elective reasons) within 4 weeks prior to

Plus de données sur l’étude tirée du registre primaire de l’OMS

Plus de données sur l’étude tirée de la base de données de l’OMS (ICTRP)
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Date d’enregistrement de l’étude

27 févr. 2015

Intégration du premier participant

20 mars 2015

Statut de recrutement


Titre scientifique (Source de données: WHO)

A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Etrolizumab as an Induction And Maintenance Treatment For Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Crohn's Disease

Type d’étude (Source de données: WHO)


Conception de l’étude (Source de données: WHO)

Allocation: Randomized. Intervention model: Parallel Assignment. Primary purpose: Treatment. Masking: Double (Participant, Investigator).

Phase (Source de données: WHO)

Phase 3

Points finaux primaires (Source de données: WHO)

Induction Phase: Percentage of Participants with Clinical Remission at Week 14;Induction Phase: Percentage of Participants with Endoscopic Improvement at Week 14;Maintenance Phase: Percentage of Participants with Clinical Remission at Week 66;Maintenance Phase: Percentage of Participants with Endoscopic Improvement at Week 66

Points finaux secondaires (Source de données: WHO)

Induction Phase: Percentage of Participants with Clinical Remission at Week 6;Induction Phase: Percentage of Participants with SES-CD Score =4 (=2 for Ileal Participants), with No Segment Having a Subcategory Score Greater than (>)1, at Week 14;Induction Phase: Change from Baseline in Crohn's Disease-Patient-Reported Outcome Signs and Symptoms (CD-PRO/SS) Score at Week 14;Maintenance Phase: Percentage of Participants with Clinical Remission at Week 66, Among Those who Achieved Clinical Remission at Week 14;Maintenance Phase: Percentage of Participants with Corticosteroid-Free Clinical Remission at Week 66, Among Those who Were Receiving Corticosteroids at Baseline;Maintenance Phase: Percentage of Participants with Endoscopic Improvement at Week 66 Among Participants who Achieved Endoscopic Improvement at Week 14;Maintenance Phase: Percentage of Participants with SES-CD Score =4 (=2 for Ileal Participants), with No Segment Having a Subcategory Score >1, at Week 66;Maintenance Phase: Percentage of Participants with Durable Clinical Remission;Maintenance Phase: Percentage of Participants with Corticosteroid-Free Clinical Remission for at Least 24 Weeks at Week 66, Among Those who Were Receiving Corticosteroids at Baseline;Maintenance Phase: Change from Baseline in CD-PRO/SS Score at Week 66;Overall Number of Participants who Experienced at Least One Adverse Event by Severity, According to National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, Version 4.0 (NCI-CTCAE v4.0);Overall Number of Participants with Adverse Events Leading to Study Drug Discontinuation;Overall Number of Participants who Experienced at Least One Infection-Related Adverse Event by Severity, According to NCI-CTCAE v4.0;Overall Number of Participants who Experienced at Least One Infection-Related Serious Adverse Event;Overall Number of Participants who Experienced at Least One Injection-Site Reaction by Severity, According to NCI-CTCAE v4.0;Overall Number of Participants who Experienced at Least One Hypersensitivity Reaction by Severity, According to NCI-CTCAE v4.0;Overall Number of Participants who Develop Malignancies;Percentage of Participants With Anti-Therapeutic Antibodies (ATAs) to Etrolizumab;Observed Trough Serum Concentration (Cmin) of Etrolizuma

Contact pour informations (Source de données: WHO)

Please refer to primary and secondary sponsors

Résultats de l’étude (Source de données: WHO)

Résumé des résultats

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Lieux de réalisation des études

Lieux de réalisation des études en Suisse (Source de données: BASEC)

Berne, St-Gall

Pays où sont réalisées les études (Source de données: WHO)

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Republic of, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States

Contact pour plus d’informations sur l’étude

Données sur la personne de contact en Suisse (Source de données: BASEC)

Prof. Dr. Stephan Brand
0041 71 49 4 1065

Contact pour des informations générales (Source de données: WHO)

Clinical Trials;Reference Study ID Number: GA29144
Hoffmann-La Roche
888-662-6728 (U.S. and Canada)

Contact pour des informations scientifiques (Source de données: WHO)

Clinical Trials;Reference Study ID Number: GA29144
Hoffmann-La Roche
888-662-6728 (U.S. and Canada)

Autorisation de la commission d’éthique (Source de données: BASEC)

Nom de la commission d’éthique chargée de l’autorisation (dans le cas d’études multicentriques, uniquement la commission directrice)

Ethikkommission Ostschweiz (EKOS)

Date d’autorisation de la commission d’éthique


Plus de numéros d’identification d’étude

Numéro d’identification de l’étude de la commission d’éthique (BASEC-ID) (Source de données: BASEC)


Secondary ID (Source de données: WHO)

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